Saturday, December 3, 2011

Things that annoyed me..

Im not perfect but somehow i still have right to hate some conducts.. Maybe what i hate is what i am.. Mirror effect!
1st n foremost: i just hate the what we call now "intrend" fb status.. Bragging diri sndiri with a dialouge.. Ohman!!! Tolong la wey..sometime the status from a teenage girl was forgivable given thought that she is still in her young and vibrant mind, but adult like me??? Bedebush!!(1 of the sound effects that i just hate) nak contoh dak??
Not so young: pakcik bagi teh ais satu!
Pakcik: eh, anak sapa ni comel sgt??xsekolah ka?
Not so young: bedebush!!!(dlm hati) adaka kata aku sekolah lg..mudanya aku..
Ni eg yg not dat dame annoying..this is what some of us like to post.. Aku mmg ada post dialog tp as long as i could remember they were about my studs. Or kalau ada pon mmg iwas one of that type kot..
Next: oraite, this one is much talkable.. The pointed-mouth watering pose!!big twinkling eyes: very familiar with this pics?? Gila kan aku ni.. Sangat xdak benda lain nak buat.. Seriously, aku dh tahap naik menyampah tgk.. Rasa macam nk block ja.. But just couldnt do that.
Lagi: itsbeen 4days now since i started doing my kok bread again.. Seeing this scenario made me sick with the teenagers nowadays.. Mkn satu family tp masing2 sibuk pegang hp masing2.. Makan,hp diam..So sick!!!
Ada byk lagi tp simpan dlu la..
# yang mana aku remove from my frenlist tu bkn sbb nk cari pasai ka or nak putuskan silaturahim, but i think the less we know of each others life is better.. Xdak la salah paham.. Cos i m a bit paranoid.. Semua igt tuju kat aku.. So better of like this..or kalau aku dh tahap menyampah sgt pling tidak pon i just hide the status.
Oh ya: one more thing: i couldnt take too much talk.. Im not a murai person so i prefer a small talk.. Bknnya cakap x benti.. Pening..

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