When u r surrounded by negative ambience eventually you will turn to one someday. Its not that you should left ur friend in need but if that friend is draging u down with her what should you do. I always tend to get emotional when it comes to the relationship no matter whose! I just hate being the one who got the tears and left out when there's a smile.. Not that i never had problems in my relationship, i'd a lot! But try not to drag others. Me myself personally will just went to sleep early.. And neber eber i affect others life just because my life sucks at that particular moment. For eg: when u plan something with ur friend, dont change it just because ur mental state is in rumble! Juat enjoy the moment for the sake of the plan.Silent treatment is a no no! I used to be that person sometime ago, n who did i affect? Ofcos my dear sister and my bestie, whodha. I'll turn rage when i'd issues. I thank her for that. Uni life changed me a lot. I met someone there just to be dumped. Its she i turned to. Always had something to chear me up. She n my big sister is the most positive human being i eber known. N ofcos the best absober ever! I always remind myself about this. Try not to influence others' aura with my own problem. But dont keep the problems to urself. Just burst out and then stop! I can be a good listener n tears shed shoulder but even a robot has a time out.. The keyword is MODEST!!!
# ill try to be more positive when i head down to classes. Seriously, though the last class students always turn me upside down, they are the most positive mind set students. U can hit them, scold them, call them names and they just duck down their heads and in no second cheer your day up.
beb...sorry dragged u into mine...
Sharing is caring Is.. This is not exclusively for you dear. Im all yours for what ever reason is. You know im here when you need me for better or worse! Just hang on for a while. Be strong cos I believe theres a silver lining in every darkness.
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