Sunday, January 31, 2010

time won't tell everything.

why is hard for her to just left all behind.
when time could no longer show the future.
where all the surprises were too brutal to be wait for.
when there's no light to even the sad tone on her face.
but the colour of his belligerent eyes.
move her obstinate heart.
down, flatten then bloom over again.
crack, open, unwrap the gratified she.
well, she is her.
like everybody used to say,
bye is never near her.
not in her dependent mind.
time won't tell everything.
when she just stood there to be told.
the path of her dreams. their dreams..
that's what he used to tame her wild spirit.
with dreams.
never ending dreams.
and she foresees them.
she is not me. not even her. you maybe.
nobody's confession.

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