i havent thought yet.
its alreday 11th jan.
rushing will just bring uneasiness.
so let the time be.
and will do whatever i pleased.
learned new word today; borborygmus- the rumbling or gurgling sound caused by the movement of gas in the intestines.(which i have a lot).
oh no, hearing that shakes my mind,
i ought to pay all my ptptn debt.
oraite let that be my half year resolution.
before moving to the whole new world.
#901 - surely the unjust shall not be successful(28:37)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The key is modesty is the 2nd best policy after honesty..
Hahahah.. Gelak dulu.. Bila sesuatu perkara tu kita ambik serius memang begini la jadinya.. Aku pin ikut serius.. The story began like this: one late evening, i posted something regarding to a video on dr M speech about politics among students though i didnt watch the clip.. I commentd based on the qouted from the clip that moreless sounded like this: mahasiswa skrg kalau nk berpolitik pon biaq dapt degree, master etc dlu. Pastu nk berpolitik sampai pencen pon xpa.. Lebih kurangla bunyinya tu.. With no bad attention or sounding serius i replied: kalau ada dip, degree or master tp susah nk dpt gheja pon xguna juga. Tak sangka my comment could spark some ppl.. N they were serious minded i told u.. One guy even said lebih kurang la bunyinya mcmni: statement mcmni lg dayus melayu...etc.. Pnjang sungguh.. Bukan sorg yg bagi reaksi begini. Ramai.. Mula2 baca terkesan jugakla.. I told my wise dad and he said: biaqla, budak2 lg..ok relax sikitla.. But i have to make my statement clear. What i meant was: nowadays, your degree or master will not determine your success..as experience is the best teacher.. Aku replied pnjang jugakla.. Bukan nk tunjuk pandai or nak bergaduh.. Cuma nak jelaskan ayat aku yg pendek sebelum ni yang mencetuskan salab tafsir..tapi tak salah kan aku cakap yg sekarang ni memang susah nk cari kerja. Ada yang cakap budak melayu sekarang memilih. Nk gheja yg hebat2 saja.. Hg cakap mcm tu sbb hang dh ada gheja. Gheja kerajaan pulak tu.. Mungkin hang berkawan dengan mat2 yang malaih2. Hang xdak kot kawan yang ada diploma/degree tapi gheja bancuh ayaq kt kedai makan, gheja kat supermarket, gheja kontrak, gheja gstt..degree tp keja kerani gaji 600.. Hg ada? So your saying showed that these people were lazy or dayus? That they just wait for job? Masa aku komen tu aku takdak la tepikiaq pasai ni semua. But after i read all the reactions made me think all 0f these.. My real point was: tak kira la tahap pendidikan hg sampai mana, itu bukan ukuran kebijaksanaan hg!!! Yang belajaq sampai obersea pon bole kawen sejenis kan?? Dan yang ada pendidikan takat darjah lime pon bole jd jutawan.. Panjang lagi nak kupas tp aku dah mengantuk.. If by any chance u read this poat(which is impossible) i just want to clarify myself..no harm intention okey! Ni lagi satu: dok abg abg, aku lempang kang.. Abg ngn abg dh la..
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Things that annoyed me..
Im not perfect but somehow i still have right to hate some conducts.. Maybe what i hate is what i am.. Mirror effect!
1st n foremost: i just hate the what we call now "intrend" fb status.. Bragging diri sndiri with a dialouge.. Ohman!!! Tolong la wey..sometime the status from a teenage girl was forgivable given thought that she is still in her young and vibrant mind, but adult like me??? Bedebush!!(1 of the sound effects that i just hate) nak contoh dak??
Not so young: pakcik bagi teh ais satu!
Pakcik: eh, anak sapa ni comel sgt??xsekolah ka?
Not so young: bedebush!!!(dlm hati) adaka kata aku sekolah lg..mudanya aku..
Ni eg yg not dat dame annoying..this is what some of us like to post.. Aku mmg ada post dialog tp as long as i could remember they were about my studs. Or kalau ada pon mmg iwas one of that type kot..
Next: oraite, this one is much talkable.. The pointed-mouth watering pose!!big twinkling eyes: very familiar with this pics?? Gila kan aku ni.. Sangat xdak benda lain nak buat.. Seriously, aku dh tahap naik menyampah tgk.. Rasa macam nk block ja.. But just couldnt do that.
Lagi: itsbeen 4days now since i started doing my kok bread again.. Seeing this scenario made me sick with the teenagers nowadays.. Mkn satu family tp masing2 sibuk pegang hp masing2.. Makan,hp diam..So sick!!!
Ada byk lagi tp simpan dlu la..
# yang mana aku remove from my frenlist tu bkn sbb nk cari pasai ka or nak putuskan silaturahim, but i think the less we know of each others life is better.. Xdak la salah paham.. Cos i m a bit paranoid.. Semua igt tuju kat aku.. So better of like this..or kalau aku dh tahap menyampah sgt pling tidak pon i just hide the status.
Oh ya: one more thing: i couldnt take too much talk.. Im not a murai person so i prefer a small talk.. Bknnya cakap x benti.. Pening..
1st n foremost: i just hate the what we call now "intrend" fb status.. Bragging diri sndiri with a dialouge.. Ohman!!! Tolong la wey..sometime the status from a teenage girl was forgivable given thought that she is still in her young and vibrant mind, but adult like me??? Bedebush!!(1 of the sound effects that i just hate) nak contoh dak??
Not so young: pakcik bagi teh ais satu!
Pakcik: eh, anak sapa ni comel sgt??xsekolah ka?
Not so young: bedebush!!!(dlm hati) adaka kata aku sekolah lg..mudanya aku..
Ni eg yg not dat dame annoying..this is what some of us like to post.. Aku mmg ada post dialog tp as long as i could remember they were about my studs. Or kalau ada pon mmg iwas one of that type kot..
Next: oraite, this one is much talkable.. The pointed-mouth watering pose!!big twinkling eyes: very familiar with this pics?? Gila kan aku ni.. Sangat xdak benda lain nak buat.. Seriously, aku dh tahap naik menyampah tgk.. Rasa macam nk block ja.. But just couldnt do that.
Lagi: itsbeen 4days now since i started doing my kok bread again.. Seeing this scenario made me sick with the teenagers nowadays.. Mkn satu family tp masing2 sibuk pegang hp masing2.. Makan,hp diam..So sick!!!
Ada byk lagi tp simpan dlu la..
# yang mana aku remove from my frenlist tu bkn sbb nk cari pasai ka or nak putuskan silaturahim, but i think the less we know of each others life is better.. Xdak la salah paham.. Cos i m a bit paranoid.. Semua igt tuju kat aku.. So better of like this..or kalau aku dh tahap menyampah sgt pling tidak pon i just hide the status.
Oh ya: one more thing: i couldnt take too much talk.. Im not a murai person so i prefer a small talk.. Bknnya cakap x benti.. Pening..
Monday, November 28, 2011
merah learned about mika's different part.
she was nowhere to be seen for 3 days. was sent to her fav nanny. and stopped by just now just to say holla, to tokwan,maktok,aunts,uncles. today she learned something new..she was so amazed with mika's private part..im not sure but maybe that was her 1st encountered with the boy's private part. she stared forever at that part.. she even ignored everybody's laugh.she even changed her seat which was rare counting that she never likes her position changed unless needed. she was so confused cos her eyes were not even blinking and finally she touched it to believe it and she seem so satisfied with the finding! cos then she covered that part with mika's clothes. cousins! they are so cute together. with her calling him "Mitaaaa" with a high pitch voice..so blessed with these 2 creatures and soon to come...
#sunglaring almost a day and was outspaced then by the envy clouds with all means#
#sunglaring almost a day and was outspaced then by the envy clouds with all means#
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
9 hours
aku bole gheja 9 jam! tapi dgn syarat:
1) bubuh ekon dlm bilik guru, nak sejuk mcm kt opis. (kalau sejuk gheja smpai malam pon xpa)
2)boh tv skali(sambil2 bt gheja tu bole gheling kt faveret program) mcm kt opis tu..
2) yuran budak suruh pt kewangan yg kutip.
3)register suruh kerani yg tanda/tutup
4)budak sakit suruh ambulans mai ambik sendiri xpun parents yg ambik bwk p klinik
5)bdk2 nk p rombongan ka nk p lawan apa2 ka suruh mak bapak dia bwk sendiri! xpun guna driver kt kpm yg belambak2 tu.
6)so dari 730-430 tu gheja cikgu cuma mengajaq, marking buku, bt headcount, bt analisis bagai, bt kelas tmbahan, masuk markah online, ni tambah nk kena ada folio lg thn depan..
p/s: mana bole smakan guru ngn gheja opis.. ada kena ckp 2jam tanpa henti?? ada?
1) bubuh ekon dlm bilik guru, nak sejuk mcm kt opis. (kalau sejuk gheja smpai malam pon xpa)
2)boh tv skali(sambil2 bt gheja tu bole gheling kt faveret program) mcm kt opis tu..
2) yuran budak suruh pt kewangan yg kutip.
3)register suruh kerani yg tanda/tutup
4)budak sakit suruh ambulans mai ambik sendiri xpun parents yg ambik bwk p klinik
5)bdk2 nk p rombongan ka nk p lawan apa2 ka suruh mak bapak dia bwk sendiri! xpun guna driver kt kpm yg belambak2 tu.
6)so dari 730-430 tu gheja cikgu cuma mengajaq, marking buku, bt headcount, bt analisis bagai, bt kelas tmbahan, masuk markah online, ni tambah nk kena ada folio lg thn depan..
p/s: mana bole smakan guru ngn gheja opis.. ada kena ckp 2jam tanpa henti?? ada?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Raya haji
Last minute decision that burdened so many people!
But somehow i got the tickets n i'll be coming home for raya korban.
As my father said: org hindu ada satu raya deepavali saja. Sbb tu depa balik deepavali, kita org islam ada 2 raya, so kita ambik mudah and pilih salah satu ja. Kita pikiaq yg kita dh balik raya posa dulu so kita xpayah balik dah raya haji..
Killer words!!!!
I guess home will i be this raya!
Bukan xmau balik tapi too soon!! Just came back n will be going back again next 2 weeks. Im not the person 3 years ago where i would go back when id the chance. This time around i would say i dh mature sikit. Xpala kalau x balik cuti 3 hari. But you will never know what inside ur fther's mind.
Just a reminder:
Pernah seorang yahudi mytakan bhw mereka tidak takut dgn org islam kecuali pada 1 hal, iaitu apbl jumlah jemaah solat subuh menyamai jumlah jemaah solat jumaat..
But somehow i got the tickets n i'll be coming home for raya korban.
As my father said: org hindu ada satu raya deepavali saja. Sbb tu depa balik deepavali, kita org islam ada 2 raya, so kita ambik mudah and pilih salah satu ja. Kita pikiaq yg kita dh balik raya posa dulu so kita xpayah balik dah raya haji..
Killer words!!!!
I guess home will i be this raya!
Bukan xmau balik tapi too soon!! Just came back n will be going back again next 2 weeks. Im not the person 3 years ago where i would go back when id the chance. This time around i would say i dh mature sikit. Xpala kalau x balik cuti 3 hari. But you will never know what inside ur fther's mind.
Just a reminder:
Pernah seorang yahudi mytakan bhw mereka tidak takut dgn org islam kecuali pada 1 hal, iaitu apbl jumlah jemaah solat subuh menyamai jumlah jemaah solat jumaat..
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Peludah warna
Peludah Warna
Kuasa gusar kini menggelegak murka;
warna kuning diisytihar racun terbisa.
Diragutnya baju-T segeram tenaga
dan diumum itulah busana bahaya.
Tapi, kita jahit semula perca kain,
menjadikannya panji terindah dan tulen.
Warna kuning yang teramat tenang dan syahdu
kita kembalikan damai ke dalam qalbu.
Kini cahaya mentari mungkin diramas
dan sinar kuningnya juga mungkin dicantas.
Memanglah mereka kini peludah warna
sedang menghimpun lendir kahak sebanyaknya.
Kerana nikmat amat lama berkuasa,
kuasa pun seolah menjadi hartanya.
A Samad Said
Kuasa gusar kini menggelegak murka;
warna kuning diisytihar racun terbisa.
Diragutnya baju-T segeram tenaga
dan diumum itulah busana bahaya.
Tapi, kita jahit semula perca kain,
menjadikannya panji terindah dan tulen.
Warna kuning yang teramat tenang dan syahdu
kita kembalikan damai ke dalam qalbu.
Kini cahaya mentari mungkin diramas
dan sinar kuningnya juga mungkin dicantas.
Memanglah mereka kini peludah warna
sedang menghimpun lendir kahak sebanyaknya.
Kerana nikmat amat lama berkuasa,
kuasa pun seolah menjadi hartanya.
A Samad Said
Inspiring qoute.
Ive been teaching the last or the second last classes since forever. Interms of teaching, i didnt do justice for them. I taught them just so they know the english words. Gave them less exercises, never gave them any homework( except in the first year of teaching) i did that because i know their level. At some point i just taught them little. Oh yes, i belittle them. Cos in my mind, that's the way they suppose to learn. Cause of their lower level in english.. Plus their lazy attitue, especially the boys. They hardly finished the simplest works i gave them, let alone the homework. Everytime i gave them extra exersices, the would mourn to death. And that was annoying. Cause i have to beg them to do the exercises. Sometime i even bribed them with chocolates. So, i reduce my aim in teaching; just make them finish the works no matter how. That will be a bless. And i was wrong cis :-
Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, and he will become what he should be.
So now, im slowly changing my mind set and my teaching methods. For a start, the extra class for pmr students. Ive been assigned to the lower proficiency studs.I'll try my best to make them pass this paper. Cos nobody believes they will. I donno how but i will try treating them as they could be. Wish me luck.
Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, and he will become what he should be.
So now, im slowly changing my mind set and my teaching methods. For a start, the extra class for pmr students. Ive been assigned to the lower proficiency studs.I'll try my best to make them pass this paper. Cos nobody believes they will. I donno how but i will try treating them as they could be. Wish me luck.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Im much content with my life rite now. I might not get what i wanted but i am much grateful for all the great opportunities before me.
Terima kasih Allah. I pray hard please dont take what i have rite now especially all my loves one ya Allah. Oh please..
For you, i pray you will cerish your own joy, just be grateful for all the little things you have. and strive to achieve what you want.
Terima kasih Allah. I pray hard please dont take what i have rite now especially all my loves one ya Allah. Oh please..
For you, i pray you will cerish your own joy, just be grateful for all the little things you have. and strive to achieve what you want.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Movin out again...
We're moving out again next week.
The old landlord wants his house back.
We will go back to zero.
No more beds, big tv, fridge..
No more 4 bedrooms.
Huge living room space..
No more space for pottering, planting, weeding for k.akma.
But i m grateful we found a new shelter.
Its not as good as the old one, but thank you.
The old landlord wants his house back.
We will go back to zero.
No more beds, big tv, fridge..
No more 4 bedrooms.
Huge living room space..
No more space for pottering, planting, weeding for k.akma.
But i m grateful we found a new shelter.
Its not as good as the old one, but thank you.
Monday, June 13, 2011
father's month
this month is dedicated to all fathers in the world..
mine especially. everybody will claim that they have the coolest or the superst dad ever. my dad, is truly the coolest dad ever. as a child we always refer him as macGyver as he always did all the technical works. infact he way too much better that macgyver as he was just an actor. if i could,i will list down all the coolest and superb things he had done for us all these years. my nearest memory was of course my engagement dais.he did all by himself plus a help from anas.
as my little brother, bashir used to say : all of us just got a bit of dad's talents.
its true.he is the great designer, carpenter, plumber, cook, painter,, gardener, engineer, doctor, teacher, architect...... and most of all, he is the great dad ever.
here are some of the father's day qoutes
One father is more than a hundred Schoolemasters. ~George Herbert, Outlandish Proverbs, 1640
Dad, you're someone to look up to no matter how tall I've grown. ~Author Unknown
There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox
last but not least:
He wasn't a hero,
Known by the world.
But a hero he was,
To his little girl.
mine especially. everybody will claim that they have the coolest or the superst dad ever. my dad, is truly the coolest dad ever. as a child we always refer him as macGyver as he always did all the technical works. infact he way too much better that macgyver as he was just an actor. if i could,i will list down all the coolest and superb things he had done for us all these years. my nearest memory was of course my engagement dais.he did all by himself plus a help from anas.
as my little brother, bashir used to say : all of us just got a bit of dad's talents.
its true.he is the great designer, carpenter, plumber, cook, painter,, gardener, engineer, doctor, teacher, architect...... and most of all, he is the great dad ever.
here are some of the father's day qoutes
One father is more than a hundred Schoolemasters. ~George Herbert, Outlandish Proverbs, 1640
Dad, you're someone to look up to no matter how tall I've grown. ~Author Unknown
There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox
last but not least:
He wasn't a hero,
Known by the world.
But a hero he was,
To his little girl.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Long drive.
Just reached from alor setar after a long drive yesterday..
Driving alone yer.. From alor setar to pontian. Departed at 650am and reached at 550 pm. More than 10hours. Bapak penat. i stopped at 4 rnr. N mostly slept at each rnr for half an hour..
Driving alone yer.. From alor setar to pontian. Departed at 650am and reached at 550 pm. More than 10hours. Bapak penat. i stopped at 4 rnr. N mostly slept at each rnr for half an hour..
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Jawapan di sekitar..
Sekarang tengah musim peperiksaan pertengahan tahun..
Meniru jangan cakapla budak2 ni. Panjang ja lehiaq budak2 ni tengok jawapan sebelah. Yang bawak buku teks jangan sebutla. Sebesaqbesaq buku pon ko nak tiru.. Teknik2 menjawab yang cikgu2 ajar ko takmau praktik, teknik meniru juga yang dok berjalan. Nak kata tak penah tiru masa sekolah dulu rasanya sekali ja kot aku tiru. Tu pon kantoi. Saja nak try test market sebab geram tengok kawan2 lain selamba tiru. Paper pjk ja pon masa tingkatan 1. Pjk ni ko xjawab pon sapa peduli. Sekali kantoi rasa macam gelap dunia. Takut kena buang sekolah. Tu ja la ingatan aku tiru time exam kt sekolah. Tobat dah pastu tak tiru. Takot.
Tadi masa ronda baca la jawapan budak2 ni. Paper agama, soalan perkara2 yang membatalkan puasa. Sorang budak ni bole jawab: kentut dalam air.
Bila aku gelak dia marah pulak. Dia cakap teacher apa tau. Ajar bi. Yang member sebelah bole tambah, kentut dlm air batal la bukan makruh. Gelak lagi aku. Siap explain lagi bila lepas kentut ada ruang utk air masuk ruang tu. Batal la puasa. Huraian tu kira hampir2 la. Tp agak2 la kentut kot!!!! Pastu cakap aku tak belajaq agama ka kentut dlm air pon xtau batal. Budak2.. Ikut hampala..
Meniru jangan cakapla budak2 ni. Panjang ja lehiaq budak2 ni tengok jawapan sebelah. Yang bawak buku teks jangan sebutla. Sebesaqbesaq buku pon ko nak tiru.. Teknik2 menjawab yang cikgu2 ajar ko takmau praktik, teknik meniru juga yang dok berjalan. Nak kata tak penah tiru masa sekolah dulu rasanya sekali ja kot aku tiru. Tu pon kantoi. Saja nak try test market sebab geram tengok kawan2 lain selamba tiru. Paper pjk ja pon masa tingkatan 1. Pjk ni ko xjawab pon sapa peduli. Sekali kantoi rasa macam gelap dunia. Takut kena buang sekolah. Tu ja la ingatan aku tiru time exam kt sekolah. Tobat dah pastu tak tiru. Takot.
Tadi masa ronda baca la jawapan budak2 ni. Paper agama, soalan perkara2 yang membatalkan puasa. Sorang budak ni bole jawab: kentut dalam air.
Bila aku gelak dia marah pulak. Dia cakap teacher apa tau. Ajar bi. Yang member sebelah bole tambah, kentut dlm air batal la bukan makruh. Gelak lagi aku. Siap explain lagi bila lepas kentut ada ruang utk air masuk ruang tu. Batal la puasa. Huraian tu kira hampir2 la. Tp agak2 la kentut kot!!!! Pastu cakap aku tak belajaq agama ka kentut dlm air pon xtau batal. Budak2.. Ikut hampala..
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
is it just me or....
I had enough..
It just a matter of time before i explode!
You got it all and please dont let that change into antipathy.
Once in a while that did okay,
Sometimes its me.
Occasionally, the table turns.
Just dont show too much cos even birds know when to stop singing.
Dont make that as an excuse for you to say everything.
Your mood sometimes dont compliment me at all. Maybe mine too.
And im already tired.
Almighty Allah, just please let me get through this challenging moment.
It just a matter of time before i explode!
You got it all and please dont let that change into antipathy.
Once in a while that did okay,
Sometimes its me.
Occasionally, the table turns.
Just dont show too much cos even birds know when to stop singing.
Dont make that as an excuse for you to say everything.
Your mood sometimes dont compliment me at all. Maybe mine too.
And im already tired.
Almighty Allah, just please let me get through this challenging moment.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Another 3weeks.
It has been 2 weeks in a row,
Tired mind, body and soul,
Thinking of quiting but you will never know,
The result may makes you jump high though.
They said live as if you will die tomorrow,
How is that makes your life not below low?
Just cant wait to be there forover,
With them i'll find my true rapture,
Not for long cos the time will soon appear,
In three weeks soon we could resolve together.
#its been more than a week i didnt have my true long evening nap..bagus2. Bagus utk kesihatan mental.
Tired mind, body and soul,
Thinking of quiting but you will never know,
The result may makes you jump high though.
They said live as if you will die tomorrow,
How is that makes your life not below low?
Just cant wait to be there forover,
With them i'll find my true rapture,
Not for long cos the time will soon appear,
In three weeks soon we could resolve together.
#its been more than a week i didnt have my true long evening nap..bagus2. Bagus utk kesihatan mental.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Dia nmpak mcm terencat ja bila nmpak aku..
Hahahahaha. Thats the best thing i ever heard for the past weeksss..
U get what you want and i dont even care. But sometime i did wonder, hahahahahah... Hang mesti malu kan? Oh maybe not. Huhu.after what u said, what u did, hahahaha..
# keep it for yourself cos only u deserve it!
Hahahahaha. Thats the best thing i ever heard for the past weeksss..
U get what you want and i dont even care. But sometime i did wonder, hahahahahah... Hang mesti malu kan? Oh maybe not. Huhu.after what u said, what u did, hahahaha..
# keep it for yourself cos only u deserve it!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thinga i hate doing.
If i were to list down some of the things i hate doing as a teacher, i would say:
1) making everyday lesson plan.
2) fill in students register( why can they invent a system for students attendence? Maybe using fingerprint? So teachers dont have to count every month just to find the % for everthing!)
3) oh yeah, marking books!!!!!!!!!
4) reports!
5) letters
6) speech
I guess there're more...
But i love teaching. Just teaching. And now i m enjoying directing students for drama.
1) making everyday lesson plan.
2) fill in students register( why can they invent a system for students attendence? Maybe using fingerprint? So teachers dont have to count every month just to find the % for everthing!)
3) oh yeah, marking books!!!!!!!!!
4) reports!
5) letters
6) speech
I guess there're more...
But i love teaching. Just teaching. And now i m enjoying directing students for drama.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The busiest week ever.
These past weeks were the busiest time ever for me.. Starting from the netball, mssd, and volleyball. Then my clerical work. Hedacount. It suppose to be finished months ago. But as ussual me, the last minute doer! N now, comes my drama competition. I knew this month ago but due to the sports and the headcount, the drama thing just fell behind the closet. Just started with the script. There are way too much to go. The costume, the final pelakon, the props. The budget! We are not representing just our school, we representing pontian! Dont get me wrong, is not that we won the district level, it just happened that our fate is picked for this competition. Here in pontian, each school will represent one competition by poll! I chose only lower form students as they are more manageable and less shy! Still young and golden. Just hope that this drama will turn out as i expected..
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Experience is the best teacher in life.
My first and current car is the second hand kelisa.. She used to be okay. Free from the keruk korek sounds, scracthes and all the ugly marks the car could possibly get. After the second and the most massive accident, she started to sound weird plus all the scars. I went to many workshops and they couldnt figure out where the sound come from.
Back to the point, the past 3 days, i brought 3 students to telok kerang for volleyball tournament.. N guess what. One of the studs(girl) said: bunyi bising ni bunyi tayar spare yg tak skru rapat la ni.
Oh lupa nak bgtau. Aku memang dh tau sebabnya dari sidia. Tu pun after a long inspection. After aku paksa dia dgq betoi2 and check semua bahagian. But this girl knew it right away. Bila ditanya mcmna dia tau, "dh selalu dgq la cikgu".
Teruja aku satu hari. Bdk perempuan pulak tu.
Back to the point, the past 3 days, i brought 3 students to telok kerang for volleyball tournament.. N guess what. One of the studs(girl) said: bunyi bising ni bunyi tayar spare yg tak skru rapat la ni.
Oh lupa nak bgtau. Aku memang dh tau sebabnya dari sidia. Tu pun after a long inspection. After aku paksa dia dgq betoi2 and check semua bahagian. But this girl knew it right away. Bila ditanya mcmna dia tau, "dh selalu dgq la cikgu".
Teruja aku satu hari. Bdk perempuan pulak tu.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Darling calour of all..
Emerald green. Yes, it will be!The "it" colour for my wedding dress. Still searching for the right design for the dress. I'll take my head off for a statement top! But for now im on dead end. Wether to jump in the intrend or stick to my own. Love ruffles but it will be too casual.no rush. Maybe green with black sequins or black lace. Green and black work well together. Just like coffee and caramel. Owh owh..
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Naik naik
Harga minyak naik lagi..no i dont use ron 97, neither do the lorry drivers, or the hawker and the stall owners, buy still the food/things/groceries and even tyers' prices will rise higher..why? Collateral effect!! Gaji naik setahun skali tp harga barang keep on climbing twice a month! many of us will fall below the poverty line and who cares?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
It's been almost 4days if u add in tomorrow i been away from school. The feelings are mixed up, relieved, miss them much, relaxed( though ive to drive 40mins everyday to the venue) n sometime i even felt guilty for leaving the classes for too long especially the good class. I know the lower class would be jumping around on my absences. For that i feel really deprived for every hour making their lives misserable. But i know deep down they miss me.
Being a teacher consumes much of my energy. U r dealing with the hardest phase of human psychology- teenagers- oh yes, on paper my working hour is from 7am-2pm. But really guys, we all have been in school no matter which stages, say if that is the real working hour for us, then who teaches extra classes? Who coaches every athlete? Who drives every contestent to the competition venue? Who is the chaperon for every school activity? Who did most of the clerical works when the clerk is an asshole? Do we get Extra wages for the ot? Btw we do get paid for the extra classes though itS no that much. The point is no point. Just need to letgo.. Extremely weary sometime but no gold could replace the satisfaction of hearing the sound "ooooooooo" or "aaaaaaaaa"" and even "ya ya ya" in my p&p process. And somehow i miss that moment though i like being rest from classes.
Talking about school, this year i've been assigned 4 classes ranging from average to super weak! I donno how to describe my feeling right now. Wether sad, vexed, annoyed or ...... There are more than 6 students in the 3rd class who still stumble in reading and im not talking about english! Dalam bahasa melayu!!!!!!!! And one of them even got an
A for pemahaman paper in upsr! N ofcos D in penulisan. When asked, they said they were given answers to memorise and some were asked to copy friends answers next to them, and teachers gave the answers outside the exam hall. Soalan bocor tak payah cakapla. Semua dapat. Aku taktaula kalau benda ni just happened here in pontian. Kenapa ada guru yg sanggup downgrade maruah sendiri demi nak jaga maruah sekolah? Aku just tak paham. I tend to be very emotional about this matter. Cos it is hard for me to teach them let alone for them to grap what i've been mumbling all year round when they r suppose to be learning according to their own level. Dah la sudah la.
And today, i heard from the form 1 student that her mom which happened to be his teacher that time gave the answers in upsr. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Pecah perut! And now they said nowadays students are brilliant! Oh yes the brilliant copycat generation.
Siakap senohong,
Gelama ikan duri,
Kalau cikgu yang ajaq berbohong,
cikgu la bapak segala pencuri!
# just let them be.
Being a teacher consumes much of my energy. U r dealing with the hardest phase of human psychology- teenagers- oh yes, on paper my working hour is from 7am-2pm. But really guys, we all have been in school no matter which stages, say if that is the real working hour for us, then who teaches extra classes? Who coaches every athlete? Who drives every contestent to the competition venue? Who is the chaperon for every school activity? Who did most of the clerical works when the clerk is an asshole? Do we get Extra wages for the ot? Btw we do get paid for the extra classes though itS no that much. The point is no point. Just need to letgo.. Extremely weary sometime but no gold could replace the satisfaction of hearing the sound "ooooooooo" or "aaaaaaaaa"" and even "ya ya ya" in my p&p process. And somehow i miss that moment though i like being rest from classes.
Talking about school, this year i've been assigned 4 classes ranging from average to super weak! I donno how to describe my feeling right now. Wether sad, vexed, annoyed or ...... There are more than 6 students in the 3rd class who still stumble in reading and im not talking about english! Dalam bahasa melayu!!!!!!!! And one of them even got an
A for pemahaman paper in upsr! N ofcos D in penulisan. When asked, they said they were given answers to memorise and some were asked to copy friends answers next to them, and teachers gave the answers outside the exam hall. Soalan bocor tak payah cakapla. Semua dapat. Aku taktaula kalau benda ni just happened here in pontian. Kenapa ada guru yg sanggup downgrade maruah sendiri demi nak jaga maruah sekolah? Aku just tak paham. I tend to be very emotional about this matter. Cos it is hard for me to teach them let alone for them to grap what i've been mumbling all year round when they r suppose to be learning according to their own level. Dah la sudah la.
And today, i heard from the form 1 student that her mom which happened to be his teacher that time gave the answers in upsr. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Pecah perut! And now they said nowadays students are brilliant! Oh yes the brilliant copycat generation.
Siakap senohong,
Gelama ikan duri,
Kalau cikgu yang ajaq berbohong,
cikgu la bapak segala pencuri!
# just let them be.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
merah frenzy

dragon attacked and she never afraid!!

trapped for her uncontrollable behaviour

tunggu makanan yang tak mungkin sampai..
going home without you means watching tv during "transmission end".
and now you are getting bigger and smarter, more vocal especially on things you both like and hate.
today, my blog is dedicated for you adik, merah, salmah or nur hidyah, whichever suits you best.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
1 checked!
- white songket for solemnisation.
Sangat suka!
Sangat suka!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Negative u.
When u r surrounded by negative ambience eventually you will turn to one someday. Its not that you should left ur friend in need but if that friend is draging u down with her what should you do. I always tend to get emotional when it comes to the relationship no matter whose! I just hate being the one who got the tears and left out when there's a smile.. Not that i never had problems in my relationship, i'd a lot! But try not to drag others. Me myself personally will just went to sleep early.. And neber eber i affect others life just because my life sucks at that particular moment. For eg: when u plan something with ur friend, dont change it just because ur mental state is in rumble! Juat enjoy the moment for the sake of the plan.Silent treatment is a no no! I used to be that person sometime ago, n who did i affect? Ofcos my dear sister and my bestie, whodha. I'll turn rage when i'd issues. I thank her for that. Uni life changed me a lot. I met someone there just to be dumped. Its she i turned to. Always had something to chear me up. She n my big sister is the most positive human being i eber known. N ofcos the best absober ever! I always remind myself about this. Try not to influence others' aura with my own problem. But dont keep the problems to urself. Just burst out and then stop! I can be a good listener n tears shed shoulder but even a robot has a time out.. The keyword is MODEST!!!
# ill try to be more positive when i head down to classes. Seriously, though the last class students always turn me upside down, they are the most positive mind set students. U can hit them, scold them, call them names and they just duck down their heads and in no second cheer your day up.
# ill try to be more positive when i head down to classes. Seriously, though the last class students always turn me upside down, they are the most positive mind set students. U can hit them, scold them, call them names and they just duck down their heads and in no second cheer your day up.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
siput babi@land snail
i always wonder why on earth do we call them siput babi..
why babi?
and do their shells grow with them or they change them gradually.. do the shells expend like our skin/skulls/hair etc..? memang indah ciptaan Allah, siput keras yang hidup dan membesar..sapa tak penah hancurkan siput babi memang tak penah jejak tanah..
i bet all of us did crush them atleast once. i'd a lot cos our old house did breed a lot these snails.. the soil was quite damp and these creature were all over the yard. nak main tepijak..nak sidai baju tepijak..nak p sekolah tepijak, nak kutip kain tepijak.enough said, these things were meant to be broken. but they never decrease.always there to be crushed! paling tak bole blah kalau tepijak with bare foot!
so i hate siput babi a lot! benci tahap kejam. so, we did do something mean to the snails: sprinkled some salt and watched them died in horror..kesian. sekarang dah tak buat sebab dah cerdik sikit. they have right to live in this tiny world. biarkan mereka. i think being crushed by human is one of their black life chapters that the have to indulge with. so we as human just need to except the existence of these annoying yet amazing creatures.
why babi?
and do their shells grow with them or they change them gradually.. do the shells expend like our skin/skulls/hair etc..? memang indah ciptaan Allah, siput keras yang hidup dan membesar..sapa tak penah hancurkan siput babi memang tak penah jejak tanah..
i bet all of us did crush them atleast once. i'd a lot cos our old house did breed a lot these snails.. the soil was quite damp and these creature were all over the yard. nak main tepijak..nak sidai baju tepijak..nak p sekolah tepijak, nak kutip kain tepijak.enough said, these things were meant to be broken. but they never decrease.always there to be crushed! paling tak bole blah kalau tepijak with bare foot!
so i hate siput babi a lot! benci tahap kejam. so, we did do something mean to the snails: sprinkled some salt and watched them died in horror..kesian. sekarang dah tak buat sebab dah cerdik sikit. they have right to live in this tiny world. biarkan mereka. i think being crushed by human is one of their black life chapters that the have to indulge with. so we as human just need to except the existence of these annoying yet amazing creatures.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Dulu mcm tu..
Sekarang peelnya mcm ni pulak..
Yang pasti, asal usulnya samo..
Manambahkan lagi sebab untuk meng-anti kaum kalian!
Atau aku dan roomate ku yang bermasalah? Tapi bukan dirumah ni saja berlaku begini.
Masuk cara baik, keluar diam-diam. Macam tikus mondok.
It seems that we never learnt from the past mistake..neber eber trust these people.
Maybe i overgeneralise, but lightning did strike twice here.
Sekarang peelnya mcm ni pulak..
Yang pasti, asal usulnya samo..
Manambahkan lagi sebab untuk meng-anti kaum kalian!
Atau aku dan roomate ku yang bermasalah? Tapi bukan dirumah ni saja berlaku begini.
Masuk cara baik, keluar diam-diam. Macam tikus mondok.
It seems that we never learnt from the past mistake..neber eber trust these people.
Maybe i overgeneralise, but lightning did strike twice here.
shoes for bargain price

hush puppies shoes for only rm60 each. how cool is that??? so i hauled them both for only rm120!!! and plus the cute little shoes for little red..rm20(not hush puppies)
#in case u r wondering, i just downloaded picasa, thats y most of my posts lately came with pictures. tengah excited guna picasa..
So that's love!!!!
Situasi di labour room. The wife is giving birth without her blind husband presence.
Isteri: Doc suami sy mana doc,
Doc:Sabaq puan sabaq.Suami puan tak dapat datang.Td puan cakap suami puan tak dapat melihat kan.
Isteri(muka sedih mengiyakan)
Doctor: Kalau dia datang pon dia tak dapat nak lihat puan.
Adoi script! U tell me.
Isteri: Doc suami sy mana doc,
Doc:Sabaq puan sabaq.Suami puan tak dapat datang.Td puan cakap suami puan tak dapat melihat kan.
Isteri(muka sedih mengiyakan)
Doctor: Kalau dia datang pon dia tak dapat nak lihat puan.
Adoi script! U tell me.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
mister unsworth by Roald Dahl

My teacher wasn't half as nice as yours to be.
His name was Mister Unsworth and he taught us history,
And when you didn't know a date he'd get you by the ear
And start to twist while there you sat quite paralysed with fear.
He'd twist and twist and twist your ear and twist it more and more,
until at last the ear came all off and landed on the floor.
Our class was full of one-eared boys, I'm certain there were eight,
Who'd had them twisted off because they didn't know a date.
So let us now praise teachers who today are all so fine
And yours in particular is totally divine.
#i love this verse to death that i'd read again and again when i feel dull.
love the rhymes.
i like most of his works. so brilliant and educating. i'd probably read some to my future kids. am also a fan of "best behaviour verses/song" especially Concerning Mike Teavee. next time i'll type it down.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

last early sunday morning, we went to the kite fest at bukit layang layang. too early i guessed. the big kites were flown up not until noon. not all of them though cos there was no wind at the moment. there were not much to watch as most of the amazing kites were ground dead. the wind really failed us. we were so keen to watch the fly crocodile instead it just crawled up a little. ok la tu. we could see the kite flyers were having hell of time to fly up the kites. memang no wind at all. but the kite were soooooo freaking cantik. the train kites were weird in a creative way. cute. we were having gud time there. i even made my own plastic kite for rm1.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
funny joke

something to cheer me up on this harsh day..
A six-year-old boy walked up to his father one day and announced, 'Daddy, I'd like to get married.'
His father replied hesitantly, 'Sure, son, do you have anyone special in mind?'
'Yes,' answered the boy. 'I want to marry Grandma.'
'Now, wait a minute,' said his father. 'You don't think I'd let you get married with my mother, do you?'
'Why not?' the boy asked. 'You married mine.
Bengap bangang bahlol
I just hate you so much rite now..
No words could describe my feelings toward you at the moment.
You and ur big ass are so damn good in doing this.
Aku tak mau apa2 bole?
Takmau tu takmau ni.
Kalau bole tengok bayang nama hang pon takmau.
Just indulge with this moment while it last cos i wont hide for long.
Esok kita tengok sapa yang kena!!!
No words could describe my feelings toward you at the moment.
You and ur big ass are so damn good in doing this.
Aku tak mau apa2 bole?
Takmau tu takmau ni.
Kalau bole tengok bayang nama hang pon takmau.
Just indulge with this moment while it last cos i wont hide for long.
Esok kita tengok sapa yang kena!!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Aku stress harini..
I lost my hard money..penat gheja smpai cramp kaki2 duit boleh hilang. Tetekan betoi.. Moga2 berkat duit2 yg lain..
ive changed my password and then deactivated my fb accnt. No chance of going back.. Now i can focus on my own life..
Aku pon xtau padia password tu.. Bole retrieve tp leceh la. Lega. Xpayah dok sibuk hal org yg takpenah aku cakap.
Next month will be my e day. Ill be engaged to the love if my life. Insyaallah. Aku nak yang simple2. Just wanna do my own makeup. No veil and absolutely no crown or wut so ever. Nak cincin ja.. Bapak, aku mahu kawin. Its so damn hard to tell ayah about this geli2 thing. Betunang kot. It took me a while to confront him n first time telling was a massive step. Gila malu nak cakap nak betunang dan kawin kot!!!
Aku pon xtau padia password tu.. Bole retrieve tp leceh la. Lega. Xpayah dok sibuk hal org yg takpenah aku cakap.
Next month will be my e day. Ill be engaged to the love if my life. Insyaallah. Aku nak yang simple2. Just wanna do my own makeup. No veil and absolutely no crown or wut so ever. Nak cincin ja.. Bapak, aku mahu kawin. Its so damn hard to tell ayah about this geli2 thing. Betunang kot. It took me a while to confront him n first time telling was a massive step. Gila malu nak cakap nak betunang dan kawin kot!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
i was literally anonymous for 15 years.
but somehow my parents managed to put me through all the education systems. i was officially rusputih when i was 15. i got my first Ic when i was 17.
why?? its all happened because of my name. my mom wanted to name me russhatiroh(my younger sister was named after this name) and my dad wanted rusputih. so they left me anonymous for a year before they two reached the decision to name me rusputih. by that time, it was to late. the officer put "tiada bernama" on my birth cert because of the late registration. i only knew that when i was 13. i used to be mad at my parents because all of these. but now i'm grateful for this just add 1 more chapter to my short life.
i just love maryam and azizah, salmah perhaps. tapi dia nak ka? nnt tak pasai2 tak bernama pulak anak aku.
but somehow my parents managed to put me through all the education systems. i was officially rusputih when i was 15. i got my first Ic when i was 17.
why?? its all happened because of my name. my mom wanted to name me russhatiroh(my younger sister was named after this name) and my dad wanted rusputih. so they left me anonymous for a year before they two reached the decision to name me rusputih. by that time, it was to late. the officer put "tiada bernama" on my birth cert because of the late registration. i only knew that when i was 13. i used to be mad at my parents because all of these. but now i'm grateful for this just add 1 more chapter to my short life.
i just love maryam and azizah, salmah perhaps. tapi dia nak ka? nnt tak pasai2 tak bernama pulak anak aku.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
penyusah tanpa rasa bersalah
penyusah tanpa rasa bersalah..
budak manja yang suka mengambil kesempatan yg memudahkan diri sendiri,
kau bijak memanipulasikan kelebihan dan kebaikan orang demi kesenangan peribadi,
kau putar kau belit kau selit demi niat yang tersembunyi,
asal kau boleh senang angkat kaki berlari,
samseng dengan cara yang senyap biar orang memberi,
tanpa nampak beriya iya mengemis menyusun jari,
ingat orang tak sedar buat tak peduli.
nanti bila sampai masa kau ambil kesempatan lagi,
ingat sampai bila kau nak kena caci berkati-kati dalam hati,
sebab nak bagi tau takut nanti kau terasa cabut lari.
sapa pulak nak bodek kami hari-hari...
kalau nak senang
jangan susahkan orang.
dari aku yang sering tak puas hati dengan kau si penyusah tanpa rasa bersalah!!!
budak manja yang suka mengambil kesempatan yg memudahkan diri sendiri,
kau bijak memanipulasikan kelebihan dan kebaikan orang demi kesenangan peribadi,
kau putar kau belit kau selit demi niat yang tersembunyi,
asal kau boleh senang angkat kaki berlari,
samseng dengan cara yang senyap biar orang memberi,
tanpa nampak beriya iya mengemis menyusun jari,
ingat orang tak sedar buat tak peduli.
nanti bila sampai masa kau ambil kesempatan lagi,
ingat sampai bila kau nak kena caci berkati-kati dalam hati,
sebab nak bagi tau takut nanti kau terasa cabut lari.
sapa pulak nak bodek kami hari-hari...
kalau nak senang
jangan susahkan orang.
dari aku yang sering tak puas hati dengan kau si penyusah tanpa rasa bersalah!!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I know not much about money.. But one thing for sure: money makes you do things you dont wanna do!
Not that i hate teaching, but i love other things more. But i cant quit teaching cos i need the money and i kind of like teaching a bit!
If i dont need money tht much, i will pursue my long lost dreams! I need money for now.
Not that i hate teaching, but i love other things more. But i cant quit teaching cos i need the money and i kind of like teaching a bit!
If i dont need money tht much, i will pursue my long lost dreams! I need money for now.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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